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July 4th, 2037
Mitchell Assassination Day
The pod shook as it sped up from the Aries moonbase, "Why isn't it exploding?" thought Duke as he looked at the rear display. Just then, Duke noticed an explosion about a half-mile away from the moonbase, at the base of a mountain of moonrock. He watched the huge avalanche literally bury the moonbase and realized that it was finally over...
3 years later...
Mars EDF Training Compound
"This communique just arrived for you Mr. Nukem, it's from command on Earth."
An emergency has arisen at Aries II, as you know it was built over the ruins of Moonbase Aries I after you purged the infestation there. Although the site was considered free of alien material, the old base had alien embryoes in stasis that led to mass breeding in what was left of Aries I, under 100 ft. of rock. It seems that the aliens have now dug up through the rock into the emergency shelter underneath the new base, and have taken it over. Your mission is to enter the base and remove all alien traces, you are authorized to destroy the base itself but ONLY if absolutely necessary. If you are successful, use the emergency transporter located near the command area, (designated "A") and use it to exit the base so that our cruiser in orbit can beam you up.